Category Archives: arts & crafts

Homemade Candle

Last week-end arts and crafts activities… candle-making!

Candles never burn entirely, except for tea lights, so I kept all left overs and melted them again* to produce this layered homemade candle!

You can buy a wick from any craft shop, I attach it to the bottom of the jar with a little bit of sticky tape and at the top attach to a crayon or pencil which you rest across (so the wick stays nicely upright). Pour in the hot (liquid) wax, wait for it to cool and set then repeat. If you are feeling arty, lean the jar onto one side as you pour the wax, let it set, then lean it onto another side for the next layer, so you get a nice wavy effect. If you’re really creative, you can come up with all sorts of shapes…

Great if you have leftovers from fragranced candles, so each layer of your candle will smell differently as it burns. They usually also come in a very nice shaped jar, which you can keep and reuse for your own candle 🙂

* melting method, put the solid wax in a heat-proof bowl or other recipient, and then put it in a pan of boiling water. Like what you would do to melt chocolate.


Brox x

